Hatha's Profile

Member Info
Name: Hatha
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 09 Feb 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I will start with my name... Hatha. It is broken down into to sanskrit words: Ha meaning sun and Tha meaning moon. Hatha, which you may recognize as a style of yoga, is the practice of balancing the masculine, energetic, sun energy side with the feminine, calm, moon energy side. I chose this because I have a strong belief in balancing energies, especially those of the sun and the moon. I believe a happy, sustainable life starts with balancing the energies we interact with everyday. I am a yoga teacher and an artist. My life is constant continuous practice and learning. I truly believe I will never be finished learning what the universe as to offer and I will always be open to gaining whatever it wants to give.