redasblood's Profile

Member Info
Name: redasblood
Birthday: Dec 25 1998
Location: northeast San Antonio,TX
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 14 May 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I personally have an amazing amount of interest in magic and I have been practicing since I was 7 but I am 16 now so its been awhile since I was a normal child. it all started when I was 7 the day I decided to try out a spell. it was midnight and I was doing the spell and when I finished a strong gust of wind blew an the next thing I know I am in a strange place but I felt so peaceful next thing I know I wake up in my bed and my family is towering over me and they said I had stopped breathing and my heart stopped. but I know for sure I did not hallucinate it. FOR SURE!