stark16's Profile

Member Info
Name: stark16
Birthday: Apr 16 2000
Location: Ely
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 16 Nov 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
well, I've been interested in witchcraft for a few years now but only recently begun to take it more seriously. In my spare time I like to read, meditate, bake, play with my dogs and crochet. I have a major interest in history and nature. My ideal career would be a fashion photographer (of 'normal' size people- I don't like the idea of having size 2 models) or My second choice of career would be a paramedic. I always love helping people when they ask for it. I am very open minded and understanding but sometimes judge people too much (This is something I would like to change). I try my best in everything I do. I've had a pretty rocky past with depression and anxiety, but my mum and a couple of Facebook pages helped me through that (wicca teachings). I have always preferred to be alone, as I feel like I need to work on my relationship with myself. I came out as gay in 2013 and haven't looked back since(I'd say it was then that my life took a turn for the better), my mum, step-dad and all my brothers took it really well but my dad and sister thought it was a phase and that i would grow out of it(hasn't happened yet and doubt it ever will) so my relationship with them isn't great but I understand that it was the way they were brought up. well that all I think (I'm not to great at writing about myself) if you have any questions or would like to chat feel free to message me!
P.S. I have a boyfriend
check out some of my photos that are all taken by me and are available to license at: