Shadownix13's Profile

Member Info
Name: Shadownix13
Location: NJ
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 14 Aug 2016
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
I am 18 years old and have been practicing wicca for three years. I practice astral projection, clairvoyance and rune work. I am still studying on reiki and also how to see auras. I am sensitive, compassionate and understanding and hope to meet friends on spellsofmagic. If there is anything you need to talk about, feel free to mail me on this site, I promise what you say will be between us. If you are being bullied or just need someone to be there for you, mail me and I will be happy to be your friend and talk to you. I enjoy playing soccer and learning about math and science especially chemistry. about my profile picture, I have a firm belief in angels and often pray to them for spiritual guidance, also the website link on the photo is a website I visit quite frequently when I am looking for spiritual meditations.