decedent77's Profile

Member Info
Name: decedent77
Location: Ballarat
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 26 May 2018
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Deep thinker, always seeking more knowledge, forever evolving, can be very friendly social but can be a loner. I've always been a free spirit, always just followed things my mind produces, I seem to have always been since a child, sense, see to things, but never learnt much about it. I feel like a wondering soul different from all the rest. Even though I'm alone physically I never feel it. I don't really control my abilities or anything I just go with things that happen or I manage to see. I thought if I came here maybe I'd find people that can connect on a different l3bel or maybe understand. I mean I've got friend's enough but not too many understand. My brother I talk most about it as he seems to know and experience what I do and others things. Recently my sons even coming out with writings of a different signs and symbols. So I'm sure there is something in that.