WillowBrewer's Profile

Member Info
Name: WillowBrewer
Location: Dothan Alabama
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 29 Oct 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I'm 46 and just now finding a community of people like me. I am finally able to learn, grow as a witch and be around people who understand me.
However, I'm more drawn to Dragons than anyone I have ever met. I have been since my earliest memories. I am positive that I lived in the time of Dragons and am currently guarded by a Dragon.
I've only learned in this last week that there is an entire path devoted to Dragon Wicca. I've been trying to research; but, have found very little information and that I have found has been disputed by those who seem equally knowledgeable.
I'm hungry for every drop of information that I can get my hands on. I just don't know who to trust. I'm looking for people who are on the same path and have real, reliable information that I can learn from.