UrsulaCross's Profile

Member Info
Name: UrsulaCross
Location: United States
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 04 Oct 2008
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
*~Welcome!~* My name is Ursula Cross, but obviously for safety purposes, that's just a screen name. Though, I've used that name for many places, if you see it somewhere, it's probably me. I'm a very edgy, and bold person. However, I'm really easy to get along with. I am new, not only to this site, but also to the whole concept of magick. I've always believed that there's unfelt and unseen forces and creatures. Though, I'm a very scientific and logical person, I somehow do believe in magick. I've been practicing magick for: 3 days (as of September 26, 2008) Please don't hesitate to email/message me. :]