ginny's Profile

Member Info
Name: ginny
Location: South Fulton, TN
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 25 Nov 2008
Membership: Member

Myspace: view

Personal Bio
My name is Ginny and I am new to magic, spell casting, wiccan and pagan things, but I have always been interested and think it is all very beautiful and mystikal. I love nature and the outdoors and consider myself to be a very kind hearted woman, so white magic is mainly all I am interested in. I do not believe in revenge or doing something that may hurt someone, because like the wiccan rule says, "Ever mind the rule of three..." and I believe in that, what you put forth you get three times in return. I believe in karma too, so I try to be as nice to everyone as possible, but I am human so I splip up. I am a fairly outgoing, spunky, unusual type of chick, I love to have fun and meet new people. I am also bi-sexual, not that that really matters :P!! So if you wanna chat about what you're up to, be friends, or anything really I'm game!!