SereneJay's Profile

Member Info
Name: SereneJay
Birthday: Dec 8 1994
Location: USA
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 23 Feb 2017
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
My name is Jay. I'm twenty-two years old and have been a practitioner for 12 of those years, studying Faeries, spirits, Nature in general, dogs. Faeries and spirits go hand in hand in my experience. But are different from Angels,animal guides and such by way of they make mistakes like humans do. They come in many shapes and sizes. Some are careful and peaceful others like surprise. Nature in general lives in a flow of balance. "Sometimes, freeing the truth is painful but all of the time it is freeing the whole of your being." ~The Faeries "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." John Lennon I was six years old when I knew I wasn't like my family. For instance, I knew just by intuition what was going to happen. I was always building and crafting. But, what really drew me into Magick was the pull of energies at fifteen to going outside and staying there for long periods of time. I had no idea of it until then. I was intrigued by rain, earthly weather, but mostly Astral Planes and things. My family disbelieves in Magick. Autistic Person! Please use Identity First Language! ( "Autistic Person" instead of "Suffering from Autism" )