IshLynn's Profile

Member Info
Name: IshLynn
Location: USA
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 09 Mar 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello, friends, my name is Alyssa. I have become interested in witchcraft recently and I'm finally starting to practice! (I wanted to start off right, with optimism). I've only very recently started off with witchcraft. I am not wiccan or pagen, as of now, I have no religion(Christianity is not right for me), I'm still looking for the right one. I am very open-minded and just about the only thing I can't stand is intolerance. I have a few spirit animals but the ones that have been with me since birth are dragons and lions(which I recently learned is because of when I was born). I am exploring new paths and love the idea of balance and knowledge. I strongly believe that you need both light and dark to be whole and know yourself, you need that balance. Please be patient with me, and I'll prove my worth. Also, I'm only 16, but I am serious about this path. I will never judge against surface reasons, ie. Race, religion, abilities, or disabilities, etc. Only for you as a person. I often ask questions, but this is in no harm. Only for knowledge and a deeper understanding of who you are or why something is. Blessed be, and good karma!