Trinitarian3's Profile

Member Info
Name: Trinitarian3
Birthday: Aug 20 1998
Location: 133.4 in your local library (Otherwise, Florida)
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 10 May 2022

Membership: Contributor

Website: view

Personal Bio

HERESY by Ella Wheeler Wilcox (excerpt)

The world has a thousand creeds, and never a one have I:
Nor church of my own, though a million spires are pointing the way on high.
But I float on the bosom of faith, that bears me along like a river:
And the lamp of my soul is alight with love, for life, and the world, and the Giver.

Hello, beautiful shiny people! I'm Trini and I'm a Christian Witch . This means I follow Jesus, God, and the Goddess. My main incarnation is Brigid , goddess of the Hearth. I also follow Triton, herald of the seas and god of the waves. I've been studying magic seriously since December of 2014 and I still consider myself a beginner.


Things I Do:

  1. Meditation
  2. Clairaudience
  3. Astral Projection
  4. Mermaid Oracle and Tarot
  5. Prayer Magick
  6. Devotionals

Things I DO NOT Do:

  1. Convert people or evangelize (I don't try to make you join my religion)
  2. Cast spells for people
  3. Do readings for people
  4. Teach people
  5. Reply to people hitting on me
  6. Reply to people saying I can't be a Christian Witch
  7. Believe someone when they say they are a neko, demon, vampire, god/ess, mermaid, etc.
  8. Put up with arrogance.
  9. Give out my number, messenger, Kik, or whatever kids are doing these days

Things I Want To Do:

  1. Hearth Witchery
  2. Ocean Witchcraft
  3. Write a half decent spell
  4. Read my bible once through
  5. Study Kaballah
  6. Study Gnosticism
  7. Study Irish Mythology
  8. Find mental stability
  9. Be a better person

That should be it. Thanks for reading! :D