Tempest0130's Profile

Member Info
Name: Tempest0130
Location: Massachusetts
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 22 Dec 2018
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello! My name is Tempest 0130. I have always been drawn to the craft. At an early age I vividly remember having intense dreams about various magical things, my grandmother pushed it off. I am drawn to nature, animals and have an innate gift of reading people and knowing what is going on or what they are about to say. I have been trained and been inducted into a well known coven in New England, with ties to covens in Salem, but my high priestess moved and I have been adrift ever since. I have been trying to reconnect with the path and found that the time seems to be now. I will need to be refreshed in the ways. I am a full time student, full time nurse and full time mom to 4 boys. I am passionate about helping others, an advocate for those who need help and wish to reconnect with my magical self to feel whole again in this crazy time in my life.
Blessed be,