EnchantedBoy's Profile

Member Info
Name: EnchantedBoy
Location: Now That Would Be Telling
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Wed, 13 Mar 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio

Where to begin... Hello to you and welcome to my little corner of the site. Im Enchanted and Im new to Spells Of Magic although not new to magic. Well not entirely. Ive been studying and practicing on and off for a couple of years now. However, due to the oddities and unpredictabilities of life I havent been in a place where I could devote the time Id like to my craft. Until now that is.

Ive done some research into both the various traditions of spirituality and magical practices and as of this moment I havent completely made my mind up on which paths Id like to walk. However, one thing I do know for certain is that Id like to worship and work with the Norse god Loki in my spiritual, magical and private life. Although I dont know if Id like to extend that to other Gods within the pantheon, But that could very well change.For now Im doing as much research as I can on him. If anyone could point me in the direction of some sources Id be very grateful.

Sorry for any punctuation errors. Im having a little trouble formatting this on my IPad. The perils of being a Luddite.