Hexley666's Profile

Member Info
Name: Hexley666
Birthday: Dec 5 2000
Location: Arkansas
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 22 Jun 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am of the Wiccan practices. I do more black magick but dabble in a bit of both. The my long dragged out spiritual battle between gods and beliefs, I have settled into something I am comfortable with and that has actually worked miracles. I only have one thing to say, whoever says any magick or a specific spell is fake; challenge it. Don't let the hate stop you. I specialize in Voodoo and charms mostly. I've been studying charms for 5 years now and voodoo for 3. If you need any help with any spell,potion,charm, or voodoo doll creation please feel free to contact me.