TradCrafter's Profile

Member Info
Name: TradCrafter
Last Seen: Mon, 09 Dec 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio

Hello and Welcome,

I am TradCrafter and I am so happy you stopped by my profile today. I am a traditional witch practicing a simple folk-craft of witchery that focuses on the basics: healing, seeing and weaving. While my practice is simple it does have a broad sense because of the shamanic aspects brought through my work and belief as an animist. Below I shall define the three aspect of my craft.

  • Healing - I am skilled in manner of spiritual and physical healing, namely in herbal remedies and spiritual mending.
  • Seeing - Skilled in manner of divination (bone-casting, omen-seeing and card reading ) as well I am someone who sees and communes with spirits.
  • Weaving - I weave crafts, spells and stories to tell around the hearth. This part is taking my intent and applying it to my goals or objectives. In my path the weaver is one who applies their knowledge to create or destroy.