caerule's Profile

Member Info
Name: caerule
Birthday: Nov 27 1996
Location: Midwest USA
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 08 Apr 2020
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
agnostic green witch
student of the fire element
practical, dark, & green witchcraft
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i’m very young, and although i have a natural affinity & intuition when it comes to my Craft, i have a lot to learn & experience on my own personal path. i am always willing to listen & learn, even if i may not personally identify with the information being given to me. i believe all walks of the Craft, religious or otherwise, are valid and essential to the human experience.
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i first began exploring the Craft and had my first altar around the age of 9 after a trip to the occult section at the public library. i have a very deep interest in taboo magic such as blood magic, sex magic, etc. i do not identify with the rule of three and believe all magic is justified, although i have yet to hex or curse another.
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although i am not loyal to/do not recognize any gods as “Gods” in their own right, i believe in the magnetism and energy of the Earth— of all worlds, in all planes of existence. i believe that intention and identification followed by personification is what goes on to create action and assign meaning in this world. i also recognize that everything is objective and am eager to hear the perspectives of others!