abraxas93's Profile

Member Info
Name: abraxas93
Birthday: Nov 29 2001
Location: Boulder CO
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Wed, 15 Jan 2025
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I've been interested in mysticism ever since I was young, and now I study and practice it. I'm here to learn just as much as I'm here to teach. I'm 16. feel free to message me about anything. I do tarot, runes, mirror scrying, and smoke scrying. and accept all requests to perform a free reading.
I'm always happy to chat.
Some more stuff about me:
I'm gay, single.
My favorite colors are red and purple.
I'm very into jewelry and I am always looking for more.
I'm a Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, Libra rising.
I practice my own mix of philosophies but I study all religions.
I don't really follow any specific pantheon or gods.
I specialize in divination, especially tarot.
I'm goth/punk.
I like all kinds of music, but my favorite music genres are metal and hardcore.
Favorite bands are Chelsea Wolfe, Show Me the Body, Boards of Canada, and Temple ov Saturn.
I also listen to experimental music, such as the Haxan cloak, L'Enfant De La Foret and profane grace.
The band I'm in is Nosfera2. We do channeled drone meditations, gloom metal and black metal. I do lead guitar and vocals.
I do a lot of abstract art, I usually wave spells into the art I do.
Things I practice/ study:
Kitchen witchcraft,
Native american shamanism (particularly Lakota),
Aboriginal religion,
Astral projection,
Hermetic Philosophy,
Thelema and the works of Aleister Crowley,
Sacred geometry,
Egyptian draconic magic,
Qliphothic magic,
The anti-light of the black flame,
I study a lot more that I don't want to type out, but let me know if you want to talk about anything!