ManwitchCR's Profile

Member Info
Name: ManwitchCR
Birthday: Nov 6 1993
Location: Michigan
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 16 Dec 2024
Membership: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio

My name is Jay Daniel, I've been a member here since 2009, but lost my password and Manwitch is now ManwitchCR! I have also been practicing Wicca as well as spellcasting since joining. I'm very knowledgeable with candle magick and runic workings, and make my own customized runic pendants for my friends in need of specific help. I prefer to focus on healing and improving the wellbeing of others as much as I can. I was once part of a coven with 3 women my age, but they have since moved their way out of religious practices, so now I am a solitary witch with an orthodox boyfriend who doesn't quite understand, but loves me nonetheless. I think that's the gist of the relevant information :)

Personally, I enjoy the anime Naruto, gaming (especially Resident Evil and Final Fantasy), acting and the performing arts, and video game design.