Chaos Magick

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Chaos Magick
Post # 1
I want to see if I understand this correctly...frankly, I'm not sure I do and my readings are leaving me a tad confused. Nay, not confused. Searching for something more.

Chaos magick is energy that has been and always will be. No color to it, simply available to use for your intentions. It has no path to follow or belief to hold, but the practitioner can for a moment believe in dieties for their will and discard them back to where the thought sprang without looking back and holding no more belief in them.

Choas magick does not have the laws of Karma binding the practitoner. You are alone and responsible for your actions. However, every action has a reaction. Not karma I don't know how to describe it.

I'm totally plagerizing spots here, but the way it was written...I can't come up with any better way to put it.

So, if I understand this..Chaos magick has no limits. It has no ropes binding it to one way of thinking or using. It takes no sides so to speak.

Is Chaos magick the same magick that everyone uses then? I is energy, it's up to you how, if you choose to, label it and use it. Or is Chaos magick a seperate type completely untapped by many?

Are the deities one would "borrow" so to speak a creation of others thoughts and beliefs and the practitoner of Chaos Magick simply borrows that energy? I've held the idea that if you believe in a deity enough, you give it energy to be. Not to say you are creating that deity, but that it has been and you are simply....feeding it. I frequently use the names of different deities. Not necessarily having faith that they are the "ones" but simply that, to some extent, they simply are. Am I even making sense right now?

I see reflections of the Chaotes practicings in my practices to an EXTENT. A small extent I should add, atleast with some reguard to the use of dieties. I tend to over analyze...and that's what I'm doing now because it comes off simple and for some reason, my brain doesn't like simple.

I have more questions....but I want to see if I am understanding what I am reading thus far.

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Re: Chaos Magick
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Chaos magick has no dogma, no indoctrination. As soon as it has rules, it is not chaos. The ability to change a belief on a whim is a tool to the chaos magickian.
It is the same kind of magick that everyone uses, for, in effect there is only one type of magick. Energy is energy, as you put it.
The chaos magickian walks a path studying many things, and holding on to what works best.
Kao is a chaos magickian, so too is Balance. I suppose, in my own right, I am as well.
Many who practice a governed form of magick and "strike out" end up in chaos which makes it not a new practice even though the term is only a little more than 100 years old. Mr. Austin Osman Spare gave this form of magick the name we use today, as well as brought to the forefront the ideas of freewriting and freedrawing. He has several books published, among them, "A Book of Satyrs" and "Anathema of Zos". If you haven't looked into such texts, I would recommend.
Kao is the one you should ask your questions to, or Mr. Spare could answer should you enjoy the reading. :)
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Re: Chaos Magick
Post # 3
So, a Chaote (sp) in essence is eclectic. While not holding on to any belief system, but simply grabbing pieces from different paths/religions/beliefs and incoorperating those practices into their own for possibly no other reason than, it's fun to do (in the simplest sense).

I do similar things. I have no style so to speak and have always picked out what felt right for me. Being ignorant to this subject in particular ( though even now I cannot claim it to be what I "do" ) I felt like and odd ball for doing so, but didn't care much for it worked for me.

I see this as freeing in a sense, but at the same time see the hardest part is to free ones self from the chains of dogma and rules one has put upon themselves.

It seems simple, yet in it's simplicity, complex.
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Re: Chaos Magick
Post # 4
I know you pointed me to where I should seek answers, but if I don't think out loud at the moment it comes to me, I push it into the back of my brain lol
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Re: Chaos Magick
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Possibly because it is fun to do...but more probably as a stop on a path of personal growth and understanding. As far as I can tell, you have the right idea,and like me you have some chaote practice in you.
I find it interesting that Mr.Crowley spread a little Chaos, maybe without even realizing it. Thelema existed long before Crowley, but he kind of brought new life to it. The word Thelema means "do what thou wilt" (I know, duh.) Mr. Crowley was a firm believer in the act of self-initiation, as well as making your own path, even to the extent that he would encourage people not to believe him. Hence the secondary title of one of his works "the book of lies". Mr. Crowley would much rather the initiate carve their own path than hold to his coat tails. (Makes sense. If you wanna breed sheep, become a farmer). He would much rather the initiate try for him/herself, than to lay down more than a skeleton to follow.
That said, I'd like to reiterate that I think you have the right train moving here.
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Re: Chaos Magick
Post # 6
I dont define myself as a Chaote Magician but I do do similar things such as take bits and pieces of different paths and religions. Like now, I am a pagan, with an aethistic Satanist leaning who's also learning Buddhism. Lol I know it seems tough since some of them conflict but it works for me. A friend of mine prescribed Mr. Spare so I could learn more about Khoas Magic but I havent gotten around to it. Lol I never knew what a Chaote was. I thought they were just being that flip-flopped to different religions from time to time.
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Re: Chaos Magick
By: / Novice
Post # 7
You said do do.
Ahem. Flip-flopping is just part of the idea there. You learn all you can about something and move on to learn all you can about something else. Ripping stuff apart the whole way glueing the important pieces to yourself.
I was raised Christian. Practiced Buddhism for about 4 years, which oddly brought me to magick. We're not the only ones ;)
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Re: Chaos Magick
Post # 8
a Chaote works with results, he uses any system of magick or religion to gain results, there are very few actual elements which are unique to chaos magick, sigils and gnosis being two. When used in conjunction with religions you use it to break away BS paradigms till you reach true reality.
Khaos energy is a bit different than the average energy used in magick and psi, Khaos energy is the actual fabric of the universe, first element crated thus pretty much infinite, almost because it comes long before light or dark it can almost be considered pure negative energy, some people react badly to it, others not, harnessing and controlling it is something very few can do, mastering it leads to infinity, it also serves to remove blockages, whatever they may be, mental, spiritual, energy, astral it clears and removes.
Spare is considered the founder of chaos, Petter carrol and Phile Hine also offered alot, thus any reading of theirs is recommended, even though Spares work is a bit more high end.
Everyone is a chaote to some degree whether they realise it or not, but that probably falls more into a eclectic path, chaotes specifically use and leave paradigms according to the situation, so where other people will regard the goddess Kali as their deity or god i regard her as a personal friend and guide.
I can go on for days about chaos and Khaos, so let me know if i need to keep frying your minds.
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Re: Chaos Magick
By: / Novice
Post # 9
Hehe. Shows what I know. :P'''
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Re: Chaos Magick
Post # 10
Question time!

If it is the fabirc of the universe, how can it be considered negative energy? I thought energy was energy, negative or positive being a creation only due to the users inentions.

If it is a seperate energy, how do you know you are using it...or attempting to use it? In fact, how do you even go about it?

If Chaos ( I don't know the difference between the C and K ) has no rules and is no longer Chaos once rules are applied, wouldn't that infact make the "it has no rules" a rule?

I have seen the word gnois ( sp cause I'm to lazy to go look it up, sorry ) but cannot find more on it. All I have found is that you know you did it right when you stop finding reason to it or something.

I should just ask santa for a book by these authors and shush huh? lol
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