the key of the abyss

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the key of the abyss
Post # 1
i was looking for another book, but i found this but instead. i found it really into my interest so i well like to share it to those on this site. now it is not a book of shadows full of spells to use, more like info that i really liked.
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Re: the key of the abyss
Post # 2
hmmm... i read a bit and seems like it could definatly be an interesting read. ill probably never get to it but ill remember. im kinda reading the satanic bible right now and im only past the introduction. never anytime to read... and i would print it but tht would be A LOT of ink. 100 pages lol. not so big but still a lot of ink that is very expensive...
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Re: the key of the abyss
Post # 3
glad that you liked it, yes... lots of ink is bad now days.
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