Magick Money??

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Magick Money??
Post # 1
Okay well I just found 5 dollars in my wallet a few months ago and know I just found a extra 2 dollars in my wallet why is money coming to me out of then air and all from the same year? Why is this happing
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Re: Magick Money??
Post # 2
Why are you complaining?

If I found money in my wallet I'd do a back flip and not concern myself with why's and where's. lol
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Re: Magick Money??
Post # 3
Ohh.. so THAT's where my paypal money leaked to..
Give it to me! Give it to me! =D
Karma I reckon
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Re: Magick Money??
Post # 4
oh okay I just was lilke how did that get thare LOL.
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Re: Magick Money??
Post # 5
You thief... you stole from me.
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Re: Magick Money??
Post # 6
Money doesn't appear out of nowhere with no specific cause. You're either lying, forgetful or somebody else other than you is physically putting it there.
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Re: Magick Money??
Post # 7
I said he stole from me.. rational explanation ( muuahahaha)
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Re: Magick Money??
Post # 8
I was at the end of the month with little money, and lo and behold, I came across money for stuff I needed (hidden in an old wallet, a coat I hadn't worn in a while, a pair of jeans, etc). :)

Whether coincidence, or the Gods listened to my pleas (complaints?), I'll take it. :) And give thanks.
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Re: Magick Money??
Post # 9
Yeah, probably forgetful..
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