How to meditate

CovenFirst Path ► How to meditate
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How to meditate
Post # 1
To meditate, find a clean, comfortable place and sit in a position which is easy for you. You may sit cross-legged, in a chair or in any way, which makes you feel relaxed. Then close your eyes. This is essential.

I have heard people speak of "open-eyed" meditation, but this is not effective,and is difficult to acheive. When we close our eyes our attention goes to the space we perceive at that time. The sense of sight consumes a great deal of energy which must be directed inward when we meditate. When eyes are open, that energy is directed outward and our attention cannot be focused on the internal consciousness that we are seeking to know.

Once your eyes are closed, watch the space behind your eyelids. Then place your attention on the emptyness of that space.

As you sit, keep watching the thoughts that rise and fall in your mind. To keep your attention focused, it is helpful to repeat a mantra. Any6 at all cn be used. Immortality and bliss are the characteristics of the Knower which is the essential you. By focusing your attention on these characteristics, you will come to know that your own essential nature is immortal and blissful. Here, bliss does not mean joy or happiness. It is best described as indivisibility, which means that the nature of the Knower is one alone.

People often tell me that they cannot meditate because they are unable to stop the flow of thoughts. This is not a problem, because meditation in no way means the cessation of thoughts. In meditation we are not concerned with the thoughts. Our job is simply to watch the thoughts and keep our attention on the Knower. (yourself)

When you find that your attention has slipped from the mantra, simply return to it. Keep sitting for as long as you feel you would like to meditate, and then gently open your eyes. To help yourself return to your normal activities, you can rub your hands together to create some warmth in your palms, and then gently rub them on your face. Do this three times. Your meditation sitting is now complete and you are ready to resume your daily life with greater energy, delight and focus.
Again do this at your own pace.

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