She was thought to originally be a Cretan Moon Goddess, later
assimilated by the conquering Greeks. Britomartis would appear in the
night sky to aid seagoing navigators.
She is the Enchantress, the Greek moon goddess of Delos, to whom votive ships were offered. Possibly a earlier form of Brighid.
This Greek Lady was popular in Attica and her cult became a state ceremonial in Athens in 430/429 bc. Rites to Bendis often involved orgies.
Bomu Rambi
worshipped in West Africa and Zimbabwe(Rhodesia) She was a Moon
Goddess associated with wisdom, comfort, and the calming of emotional stress. Followers of Bomu Rambi wear crescent moon necklaces.
Egyptian Cat Headed Goddess.
Bridgit or Bride
Irish Goddess of Poetry, SmithCraft and Inspiration. Fire Goddess (Solar) converted into Christian Saint.
Goddess of healing and craftsmanship, especially metalwork. Also a patron of learning and poetry. In Wales she is Caridwen, who possesses the cauldron of knowledge and inspiration. The Celts so loved Brighid that they could not abandon her even when they became Christians, and so made Brighid a Christian saint.
BIG HEADS (Iroquois) Demon gods. Giand heads without bodies which fly about in storms. They find men very tasty.
BREATHMAKER (Seminole) Breathmaker taught men to fish and dig wells, and made the Milky Way. When the virtuous die, they follow the Milky Way to a glorious city in the western sky.
BENZAITEN Goddess of love, one of the gods of happiness. Benzaiten rides a dragon while playing a stringed instrument.
BISHAMON God of happiness and war, a strange combination. Bishamon protects men from disease and demons. Bishamon was often portrayed wearing a wheel of fire like a halo, which some see as the Wheel of Fate.
A goddess of war. One of a triad of war goddesses known collectively as the Morrigan. Bird shaped and crimson mouthed, Badb uses her magic to decide battles. Badb lusts after men and is often seen at fords washing the armor and weapons of men about to die in combat.
Basso Juan - Iberian - A woodland and game animal God who never leaves the mountain forests and who dwells deep in caves, where he is protected by his animal totems.
Bast or Bastet - Egyptain - The Goddess of the Sun and pleasure. She has a human body and the head of a cat. She carries a rattle and wears a breastplate decorated with the head of a lion.
Baubo - Greek - Goddess of comedy and laughter. She has strong connections with the Sheelagh-na-gig figures of Ireland, Baubo was the crone Goddess who exposed her vulva to Demeter.
Bebhionn - Irish - An Amazonian Goddess who resided on the Isle of Women in the sea to the west of Ireland. A Goddess of earthly pleasures.
Blodewedd - Welsh - Goddess who was created from flowers and forced into an unwanted marriage. She took a lover and found a way to trick her unwanted mate into being killed. She represents the virgin cycle of the wheel of the year in which the dying and weak God of winter is replaced by his youthful counterpart at spring to rule for the year to come.
Brahma - Hindu - The God of creation. He usually has four arms and four heads. He dresses in white and rides on a swan or peacock. Sometimes he sits on a lotus blossom.
Barinthus. guardian of the threshold between the worlds. portrayed by the celts as a ferryman guiding a voyager across the waters to the otherworld. Blodeuwedd. created by the magic of Math and Gwyidion out of flowers of broom oak and meadowsweet, to wed the son Arianrhod,Arianrhod had sworn her son will never marry a mortal woman
Re: Gods B By: Alpha_Kitty
Post # 2 Nov 08, 2009
Baal ("owner") is the one of the most important Gods of ancient Phoenicia and Canaan (Today's Lebannon and Israel).
Baal is the chief of the Gods, who won his position through many adventures and battles
At first There was El ("God"). He is the one that with two Goddesses created all other Gods and humanity. Then he succumbed his reign to Yam ("the sea") and Mot ("death").
Ba'al fought Yam, who was a tyrant and defeated him. He couldn't defeat Mot, though, and so was kidnapped to the underworld. It was Goddess Anath, who went to the underworld, faced Mot and brought Baal back to life, for six months of the year
Baal is the god of thunderstorms, lightning, weather and fertility. The story of how he became chief of Gods is an alegory of the forces that humanity had to defeat, and of humanity's progress towards civilization.
To have fertility, to make things grow, first they had to beat the forces of nature (Yam, the mighty sea) and then to learn how death is part of the life cycle, of both people and plants.
Bendis She was originally a Thracian moon goddess. Her rites, as practiced in Athens, also involved torch races. It is believed that, because Plato discusses her rites in The Republic, she also had associations with the underworld.
Brahma - India - father of men and gods, creator of the universe, magick, knowledge, wisdom, world guardian. Depicted with red skin, riding a swan, he has 4 heads and is clothed in white robes.
Brihaspati or Bramanaspati - India - Master of created things, priesthood and magickal power.
The Buddha - India - Divine teacher, the Enlightened One. An avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu (the Sun God). Wisdom, Self-realization, Spiritual Illumination