The Future Changed

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The Future Changed
Post # 1
As many of you may and my beautiful fiance are going to have a child in September....i have seen many visions of the war to come....and in son fights....however....we just got our ultrasound today....they say its a girl...i want to know who did what to change the really curious as to why im having a girl(althogh im really happy about daddys little girl....XD) when i saw visions of a son...if anyone could help me out and give me tips...i would appreciate it....i am going to research it myself tonight but i could use a little extra help.
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Re: The Future Changed
Post # 2
perhaps it's not a male that you were meant to have but a female who's masculine? I's a though, or maybe he's to be the second born? Who knows....wish I could help ya.
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Re: The Future Changed
Post # 3
I saw a very distinguished male...i didnt see a must be a second born but that wont happen for a few more years and thats whats scaring me....i saw him fight in the war...i guess it makes since though...daddys little girl isnt going to get hurt in this war.....IF she fights...she will be right next to me....
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Re: The Future Changed
Post # 4
Your vision could've been symbolic and male could've represented a warrior personality.
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Re: The Future Changed
Post # 5
I would agree with that if the other members of my coven, not to mention other friends, hadnt seen the same thing....i have had more than 1 vision....

I really appreciate the ideas from everyone so far....please keep them comming....XD
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Re: The Future Changed
Post # 6
Maybe it represents an aspect of your daughter-to-be's soul, or personality to be. Although, it technically wasn't the future changing though, the moment a child is concieved the gender is predetermined.
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Re: The Future Changed
Post # 7
i guess....but i saw visions of a boy.....i still dont understand.....others saw visions of the same doesnt make since
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Re: The Future Changed
Post # 8
You said you saw a boy?
What if that boy isn`t trully your son?If so how tall was he?
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Re: The Future Changed
Post # 9
Maybe its not your son/daughter, maybe it was someone else who was going to stop the war?
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Re: The Future Changed
Post # 10
what did the kis look like? and destiny can change over time,
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