A war.

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A war.
Post # 1
I'm wondering if anyone has had dreams about a war? me and some friends have had dreams about it, and prophecies of a war that is to come.
I was wondering who else knew about the coming of this war. If you could, please post here, or mail me the dreams you have had or prophecies or anything you know.
Please give as much detail as you can.
Also, anyone who knows of this, do you know anything about how the people with the life number 9 will be involved? A friend told me a lot and I wish for people to confirm what she said since my life number is 9
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Re: A war.
Post # 2

There have been several posts like this one in the past. Personally, I don't believe there is some "war" looming overhead. Just because you have a dream of it does not make it a prophecy or anything of the sort.

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Re: A war.
Post # 3
well probally fortelling an upcoming event in your life? who knows? maybe?:p
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Re: A war.
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
any simple glance at the current activity's in the middle east and iran should give you the answer. especially with a certain nuclear scientist being assassinated the other day :c
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Re: A war.
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
We are at war. If not, I want to know why my military friends keep getting shipped off to other countries! Obama is doing some very stupid things concerning the military. But...wait a second, what does this have to do with magick? Absolutely nothing.

War happens everyday somewhere in the world. There is no such thing as a truly "peaceful" time. Dreams sometimes are just dreams. They don't all have deep meaning. If you watch a movie about vampires and dream about them, it doesn't mean it's a prophesy and a vampire is after you.

This is another one of those conspiracy theories. I'm sure the illuminati and aliens are involved somehow someway. They always are. And in the end, we are all going to die! *enter dramatic music*

They're all very predictable. These guys are really running out of ideas, its becoming repetitive. And I have nothing against secret societies. They're secret for a reason. If you think you know their internal workings, you're wrong, because...its a secret, duh! =p

Please keep this stuff off of the board. It upsets members who come here to discuss spirituality and magick. We are all going to die someday. Its a fact. Why dwell on it?

I made this humorous to hopefully lighten up and end this thread.
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Re: A war.
Post # 6
Im not talking about the war in Iran. im talking about a different one. and there is a prophecy for it. I dont know the exact words, but there is one. From what i know, the thing that was first created to keep humans safe is attacking because humans killed its witch mothers.
There have been many similar dreams. From people who know nothing of eachother. I wont go into detail, but there is a war coming.
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Re: A war.
Post # 7
but WhiteRav3n, you dont know everything... im not trying to attack you in any way, just making that clear so you dont think i am. but there are things that you dont know, and just because you say that it wont come doesnt mean that it wont. You say multiple things that I agree with, but there are also things I disagree on. People are having the same dreams on the war. people that dont know each other. They all see destruction of the world. Most see that people who practice magick is involved.
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Re: A war.
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
Shared dreams are not uncommon. Far more common, however, are people who find similarities in their dreams and decide that they are the same dream.

People always look for conflict. People have been speaking of prophecies about war and horror for thousands of years. It is not all entirely unfounded. There has, after all, been war and horror for thousands of years. There is also consistently spiritual conflict, but again, this is the nature of balance as I have discussed elsewhere.

Something attacking because of dead witch mothers sounds like the plot of a fantasy novel.

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Re: A war.
Post # 9
yeah :/ but this is what i have heard from many sources that do not talk to eachother
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Re: A war.
Post # 10
trucat, can you read the mesag i sent you? its important
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