
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Belief/Limitation
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By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 1

When it comes to spells I do not believe that all of them are possible or physically achievable, at least at the current time being or in our present physical state. Spells such as: flying, moving forward or backwards in time (and I don't mean scrying, I am referring to spells concerning physical time travel of the physical body, not subjective experiences), transforming, gender switching, gaining immortality, shooting fireballs out of your hands, etc, etc.

I propose several explanations for the previous claim I made. While it is nice to say motivational things such as " there are no limits but what you put on yourself" I do not think that is always practical or rational. We, as humans, have set limitations. And so when it comes to magick, we have limitations there as well. (And I am not referring to magick's limitations: I believe magick has a potential far above our own). People argue that belief and willpower can alter this. " If you just believe it will work, it will! " or " Well, you just didn't put enough will power into it... are statements I've heard frequently.

Self limitation is not the only type of limitation. Because we are human and we do live in this plane and we do live on Earth: the laws of physics, quantum mechanics and other laws apply to us. Would you deny that gravity is an active force, capable of being seen in our day to day life? Pick up an apple and drop it. Did it fall to the ground or float off? A good deal of these laws and applied theorems are observable in everyday life. And while people like to try and separate science and magick: the two can go together. You do not have to pick either or. And while either can be taken to an extreme, if you hold a sensible view of both it does not necessarily conflict. A quote from someone on the site, today actually, said: " Science and Magick are the same thing, though one is physical and the other not... Science is the physical aspect of Magick and the latter being an etheric form of the former ."

Perhaps some of these things *could* be possible one day, but currently we do not necessarily posses whatever it is that would make them so. We tend to be quick to jump into something and say "that's impossible" without providing reasons why and that in and of itself is not the right thing to do either. I think it would be sensible to be scientific about this. Teleportation, transformation, etc are all things which heavily involve science and magick. To even begin to comprehend this you would have to understand the makeup of the human body: compounds, molecules, DNA, functionality. You would have to understand how the universe works, physics, quantum mechanics. And that's just starting the long list of things you would have to know, and be able to alter and control. That's the key part. No human can change things like that. It is a limitation. Now, it's been debated that there are ways around this and some I think are plausible. For instance, while you cannot *physically* transform or shape shift your body on this plane, people have said it is entirely possible to alter yourself in such a manner on the AP or spiritually: and that's a whole different scenario. Under those conditions, it may be achievable.

I wrote an article awhile back on Transhumanism, which is roughly defined as a philosophy of life that encourages humans to seek development of higher selfs, to pursue evolution of intelligent life beyond the limitations it currently stands at using rational thinking, technology and science. They believe in taking baby steps to achieve what we call human limitation. The key to this is that even those scientists working towards these things will openly admit that at our current stage and knowing what we know about the universe, these things are not achievable *currently* .

And I do not mean to be discouraging! I think through study and observation we can understand the way things function better and grasp an awareness of the world around us. I truly believe humans to be capable of amazing feats. I believe magick to be potentially limitless, though our use of it may not be so. I believe magick to do wonders as well. I am also not saying that belief is not important. It is! Belief does hold its place in both science and (especially in) magick. Belief can be a good thing.

I want to know what people really and truly think about belief and limitation: what they would think is achievable vs. things that are still "impossible" and not capable of being reached as of yet.

*Note: this is a personal opinion and viewpoint on the matter. I do not claim everything to be set in stone or undeniably accurate. The sources are below, and you can check them if you wish. You have every right to your own belief, and are welcome to share it.*

Sources(remove spaces in links):

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Re: Belief/Limitation
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
By far the most "beliefs" of magic are gleaned from movies,TV shows, and fantasy books. Even so-serious books on magic are mostly written to get money from the gullible.
Real magic is as natural as breathing! And many of the uses of magic do not involve spells. Many witches of many years experience have never cast a spell. Many on this site have no idea of what a spell actually is. A ritual wish!
Real magic is very often science in another name. A scientist would give a scientific explanation for a rainbow. But, is not also magical?
How does a tall tree get water up to the highest leaf? A scientist would tell you that it is caused by capillary attraction. And so it is! But to me, it's magic!
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Re: Belief/Limitation
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

I completely agree.

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Re: Belief/Limitation
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Beautifully stated brysing!
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Re: Belief/Limitation
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Why,thank you, Linda! When my children were very young I would take them outside just before first light to see the privet hedges covered in spider web. Take them out again after dawn, and the webs have disappeared. Of course, the spiders have eaten them. But to my children it was magic. To me it still is!
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Re: Belief/Limitation
Post # 6
Wow, this must have taken a long time to write, congratulations ^_^ *gives you a high five*

Your logic and explanations are very true indeed, but there is one thing I want to tighten up.

Yes, no HUMAN can do most any of these things. Man was not meant to nor will be able to. But there are other beings which can do things like this. (Yes, I have strong evidence in supporting my statement)

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Re: Belief/Limitation
Post # 7
Personified,you have written a great Article in my opinion,&I agree with everything you are saying...of course as human beings we do have limitations with MAGICK,and I still cant understand why some people still fantasise on this website about using spells to turn into ware wolves,vampires,and mermaids etc theses things are Fake and Impossible to Achieve!
how ever if we look at ALEISTER CROWLEYS MAGICK BOOK 4,the famous quotes he uses sum up the real Potential of what man on earth can achieve when creating MAGICK and SPELLS ETC ETC,lets take this man as a role model and master of Modern Magick
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Re: Belief/Limitation
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
Crowley wrote a great deal about the occult. But we must remember that he was a sex-obsessed drug addict, and quite insane.
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Re: Belief/Limitation
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
Is it possible to still make a psi ball and have it physically do something? I'm asking out curiosity because I indeed support your explanation, that just means 75% of the spells on this sight aren't real. I just want to know.
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Re: Belief/Limitation
Post # 10
Just saying, God made humans to push past those limits! We don't need magic for some, cuz we have TECH! People who need magic for all problems are ignorant. We use science which is not unlike alchemy, which makes stuff outta totally different stuff.
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