I have seen many ask the same question over and over: can I create elements? My answer based upon research is yes. The way I see it is that creation started with the 4 elements that are commonly used today: fire, earth, air, and water. The things I researched and simplified came out this:
People use stone as an element. It is not a basic elements, so how does it count? The thing is, there are elements called "parent" elements, such as lava or steam. The parent element lava is turned to stone, the element in question, when introduced to air or water. What my point is is that if elements can be created in nature, of course we can make them, because we are part of nature. I even bet elements that sound out of place, such as astralism, an element hardly understood except for the ability we havefigured out by using it to travel to the astral plane could even be learned about once we find its parent elements.
What I was trying to get at wasn't that combined elements are "new" elements, what I was saying is that you use combined elements with other combined elements or basic elements. Maybe it is my fault that I didn't clarify that enough. Next time I will make sure it is understandable. And what I am saying also is not to take elements already in nature and pass them off as created, but instead, literally make a new element, such as...... The dragon element. This in my thoughts could be created by having the life element and fire element, with a few others. This element could be useful in creating dragons in the astral, or communicating with what some to believe as real, a companion dragon. Not offending anybody who has a companion dragon, because they can be very real in terms of using energy to manifest themselves from the astral. In fact, I use a spirit guide, and I highly doubt those 2 are much more different.
I need to clarify something here. In nature, nothing is ever "created" or "destroyed"...it can only be changed.
Plants SEEM to create leaves or branches, but in truth they're just changing sun energy into physical matter, with the assistance of water, sugars and minerals they absorb from the earth.
Lava is not created...it is just rock that has melted because it got too hot. Steam is not created, it's just water that has turned into vapor...for the same reason, heat.
Creating elements from nothing is not possible, even for Mother Nature... but it might be possible to change them into something else. I never bothered because I don't see the point. I only use magick that does something useful, like healing or telepathy.
The concept of the 4 elements is an old one. These days we know that there are many elements, but none of them are earth, air, fire or water. If you choose to use an old system like the 4 elements, you should try to analyze where it comes from...
For example. I think the 4 element concept is not about the elements themselves but about the states of matter. Solid is well represented by earth. Liquid is represented by water. Gas is represented by air...and the 4th state of matter, plasma (which by the way was only discovered recently)...is represented by fire.
I hope some people understand what I'm saying. It's science heavy, but if you don't understand please take the time to look it up. It's interesting, and it shows me that people know more than they think they do even before they are able to quantify it with scientific research.
Sorry sarfiel, I didn't mean to use create for lava and steam, I meant to use it for literally creating elements that are not ithin nature, such as the example of that dragon element.
If your mean 'elementals' the answer is yes tho they are NOT elements. Elementals are 'beings' that you can create thru 'thought' processes whereas you bring them into life and they have a set time to exist. Only a strong practitioner could make them 'last'