Methods Of Divination

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Methods Of Divination
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
Aeromancy:divination y interpreting the air, sky, and atmospheric conditions, particularly concentrating on cloud shapes, comets, and other phenomena not normally visible in the heavens.

Astrology: is divination using celestial bodies,such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars, in order to determine the likelihood of future events.

Ailuromancy: (also known as felidomancy) uses the behaviour of felines, such as the cats' movements or jumps to predict future events (especially the weather).

Bibliomancy: is divination that seeks to know the future by randomly selecting a passage from a book, frequently a sacred text.

Cartomancy: is fortune telling by using cards, e.g., playing cards, tarot cards (Taromancy) , and non-tarot oracle cards.

Chiromancy/Cheiromancy: foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also known as palmistry, palm-reading, chirology or hand analysis.

Crystallomancy/Crystal Gazing: Divination by using crystals or other reflecting objects Crystal gazing is a form of divination or scrying achieved through trance induction by means of gazing at a crystal or other reflecting object. Also known as crystallomancy, gastromancy, spheromancy and a form of Scrying.

Dactylomancy: divination that uses a Ring suspended like a pendulum in order to find the answer to a specific question.

Dowsing or Divining Rods: divination where a forked stick(or other non-scientific apparatus) is used to locate water or.hidden water wells, buried metals, precious minerals and gemstones, or other objects as well as currents of earth radiation. Sometimes called doodlebugging, divining or water witching.

Geomancy : that interprets markings on the ground, or how handfuls of soil, dirt or sand land when someone tosses them. The Arabic tradition consists of sketching sixteen random lines of dots in sand. (includes Feng Shui divination.)

Graphology divination by handwriting, especially when employed as a means of analyzing character. Also known as Handwriting Analysis.

I Ching divination Ancient Chinese divination using the I Ching. Some diviners rely on an accompanying I Ching manual, also a form of Bibliomancy/Stichomancy.

Numerology:divination through numbers. The personality of an individual as well as future events can be determined using the numerical interpretation of numbers, dates, and the number value of letters.

Oculomancy : is a form of scrying where the diviner gazes into the questioners' eyes and reads the reflections.

Oneiromancy: divination that is based upon dreams. Dream interpretation uses dreams to predict the future.

Onomancy: (also Onomamancy or Onomatomancy) divination based on a subject's given name, usually following practices of Gematria.

Ouija board divination: A Ouija Board is an alphabet board with a pointer used for various forms of divination and/or spirit contact, and is sometimes used to gain insight into future events.

Podomancy :(also known as solistry) is a divination by examining the lines of soles. Similar to palmistry, where the divination is based on the person's palm shape and lines, podomancy is based on the belief that person's feet represent the symbol of that person's soul.

Palmistry : divination (also known as Chiromancy,cheiromancy, palm-reading, chirology or hand analysis) that interprets the character of an individual and fortune telling by using the lines,structures and patterns of the palm, but can take into consideration the entire hand..

Phrenology: (by the shape of one's head) Divination by studying the shape of ones head, and by reading bumps and fissures in the skull, in order to gain insight into the personality traits of a person.

Pyromancy, or pyroscopy:) is the art of divination by means of fire. The diviner observes flames, from a sacrificial fire, a candle, or another source of flame, and interprets the shapes that he or she sees within them. Pyromancy was one of the earlier forms of divination.

Runecasting / Runic divination: divination based on interpretation of the ideograms contained within the Proto-Germanic Elder Futhark and other Runic systems.

Scatomancy: divination by the examination of feces, especially animal droppings.

Sciomancy:is divination using a spirit guide, a method generally employed by chanelers. This branch of divination is concerned with the evocation of astral reflections to ascertain future events.

Scrying:(Crystallomancy/Crystal Gazing) :is a general term for divination using a crystal, mirrors, bowls of water, ink, or flames to induce visions.

Sternomancy:divination practice involving reading the markings or bumps on the chest or breast bone, or the area from the breast to the belly.

Taromancy:is the art of divination through the use of Tarot cards. Also known considered to be Cartomancy.

Tasseography: (also known as tasseomancy or tassology) divination that interprets patterns in tea leaves (coffee grounds and wine sediments as well) that remain in a cup once the beverage has been drunk.

Re: Methods Of Divination
Post # 2
i use cartomancy (taromancy), oneiromancy, scrying and i have the i ching books but i dont have it highly on my preferences.
mostly my deck that is not the usual arcana is what i only use.
i would like to hear about your divinitation methods as well.

Re: Methods Of Divination
Post # 3
I recently purchased a pair of L-shaped dowsing rods at Mystic Elements [along with a replica of Lord Voldemort's Yew wand] and having been practicing with them. I find them to be pretty easy to use and will be putting them to use on rock and fossil hunts.

Re: Methods Of Divination
Post # 4
My divination methods involve runecasting, tarot card reading, and scrying. For scrying this has been methods involving tea leaves, the clouds, crystals, mirrors, fire, and water. I even know some meditation techniques that give a twist on these methods of scrying - per say. I'd be willing to teach those who ask.

Re: Methods Of Divination
Post # 5
I wanted to add a little bit of info to this!

Creating a Scrying Mirror:

To create a scrying mirror you will need a medium sized photo frame (you can use any size you like but for this explanation we will use a medium sized frame as an example). Clean the glass of the frame and then charge it with your energy. Alternatively, you could also charge it with the power of the four elements.

After charging the mirror, paint the glass with either a metallic or a gloss black paint. Once the paint has dried, place the mirror in the light of a full moon and leave in the moonlight overnight. When the mirror is also charged by the light of the moon, wrap it up in black cloth and keep it in a dark place (don't allow light to touch it). Use the mirror only at night. Gaze into it's surface. Write down any images that you see. Their meanings can be determined by either your intuition or research on what the images represent.

Llewellyn's 2011 Witch's Spell-A-Day Almanac ~ article by Susan Pesznecker

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