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Post # 1
what kind of jewelry do you wear when you doing a ritual?
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Re: Jewelry
Post # 2
I wear my pentacle necklace, but I wear that one always, day and night, while taking a shower or swimming, I don't like to take it off.
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Re: Jewelry
Post # 3

Whatever I have with me, lol

I've got an assortment of gemstone necklaces, pentacles, homemade crafts, bracelets, and other things. Really I just put on whatever feels right for the moment. :)

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Re: Jewelry
Post # 4
good idea I have a Lapis Lazuli neclace with a scarab on it
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Re: Jewelry
Post # 5
Hematite ring, and any handmade jewelry that I have on at the time. Making hand made stuff is a big part of magick for me.
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Re: Jewelry
Post # 6
I agree I work with beads and stones
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Re: Jewelry
Post # 7

For me it's hard to say exactly because I use so many things for my rituals.. I use so many things such asnatural items, such as plants and minerals, or on amulets and talismans . Some examples would be crystals and other gemstones, Rabbit's foot and other good luck charms, religious symbol jewelry , horseshoes, etc. These are reputed to work without any input or belief from us, and these practices are as old as time.

They have intristic power for me symbolically speaking as I firmly believe.If these items had no intrinsic power themselves, all we would be engaged in would be creative visualization practices such as those taught in certain meditation traditions or those popularized by The Secret and The Law of Attraction - there would be no natural or folk magic which honors the natural powers of plants, minerals, and animals. A fascinating topic - not one that can be developed even in part within these few lines.

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Re: Jewelry
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8

There is particular golden necklace with golden star I always wear .The star ,anyways, looks like pentagram with white stone in the center .I rarely depart with it and it is my constant companion in my magical workings .Sometimes, if I have been adviced by spirits to wear particular stone or my intuition called for particular jewllery I follow the advice .

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