Researching Enochian

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Researching Enochian
Post # 1
Due to the fact that the internet is a large pool of information, containing both the nonsensical and the Valid, I was hoping that, to make my research much less time consuming and avoid having to flip through a large mess of misinformed nonsense, I could come here and simply find a few answers. That being said, does anyone know of a few good online sources in in which one could begin to find a grasp and understanding in Enochian. While I don't mind digging past heaps of trash information such as sites based on the TV series "Supernatural", I'd prefer to avoid that if possible. So are there any reliable and well written sources that I could at least begin with?
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Re: Researching Enochian
Post # 2
The book of enoch

Enochian magick books

An introduction to enochian magick
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Re: Researching Enochian
Post # 3
Wow, an actual response.
Thank you.
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