How can i become a witch?

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How can i become a witch?
Post # 1
I am intrested in becoming a witch. i have been researching a finding as much information out as possible and now i would like to start practising spells, i have tried some spells from on here but none have worked. why is this??
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Re: How can i become a witch?
Post # 2
Maybe the spells did not work because you never put enough into it, it could also be that the spells are fake, usually they are the fantasy spells. Which spells did you try?

- Francis.
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Re: How can i become a witch?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to General Info from Introduce Yourself.
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Re: How can i become a witch?
Post # 4
Is the magick you're attempting realistic? Might it take a longer time for these spells to manifest? There are many factors that should be thought of when it comes to spell. Also, some spells don't manifest in the way you want them to, or they need repeating - over and over again.
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Re: How can i become a witch?
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
Well, everyone starts out differently...

I personally started with years of interest in chemistry, physics, metalworking, math, geometry, electronics, and biology. My magic came from my interest in these things, and extensive research.

If you start with the very basics, you can build from there. To me magic isn't a way to ignore the laws of the universe, but rather to take advantage of them for personal benefit. I needed to know these laws to even begin to think of ways to take advantage of them.

Generally, starting with the most basic of things: what you will define as magic, what the most basic rules of magic is, how the world around you works... Then you can build on top of these basics, and I've yet to see anyone with any degree of success that didn't start from the basics.
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Re: How can i become a witch?
Post # 6

We should educate people that 'Witch' is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a 'Witch' was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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