road opener advice

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road opener advice
By: / Novice
Post # 1

I would like to cast a road opener spell for someone special to help her clear negativity and help out with some decisions she needs to make.

I tooled around using search function but couldn't find anything that could help out with the practice part.

How do you do this kind of work? As in what color candles are best? I know Abre Camino (Eupatorium villosum or Koanophyllon villosum) is key but shat elese is good? And how do you work the herbs?

Is there a set way to do the ritual?

Since this is for someone else how would I use personal concerns if I needed them at all?

Are crystals really that necessary? Ive not worked with them before.

What prayers/ verbal components are good?

Thank you for any feedback.

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Re: road opener advice
Post # 2
hi thor,
whats the villosum stuf you mentioned i never heard that before?
i bought a 7 day road opener vigil candle. the main colours were orange mixed with blue. i think van van and clarity oils would work good for this kind of work to banish negativity and remove blockages.
my glass candle had a picture of a clear path and a rainbow on top and the very next day after i lit my candle i was getting out of work and i saw the most beautiful rainbow i had ever seen in my entire life :)

hope this kid of helps. its so nice of you to want to help someone else your such a sweet person :)
blessed be
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Re: road opener advice
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Thanks Cleo

Its always awesome to hear from you!

The Abre Camino is, I guess, THE main herb for this kind of work. It is called the road opener herb/

I would think you could burn a candle that's been dressed/intentioned and then do a petition under the candle?

But how do you do the herb work? and would personal concerns be used and how?

Thanks again Cleo, I hope all your work is progressing well!
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Re: road opener advice
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
You find Abre Camino in more Latin folk magic. While it's good if you can get it, you can use other things.

You might want to try some cut and clear work..which is pretty similar (if not the same in theory)

As for working with the talk to them. Wake them up so they know what it is they are supposed to do (as herbs tend to have more than one association). You can either poke holes in a 7 day candle and fill it with the herbs, or take a free standing candle and roll it in the herbs.

As for personal depends on what it is but you would add that to the candle to represent the person you are working for, or add it to the petition paper for the same reasons.
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Re: road opener advice
By: / Novice
Post # 5
perfect, this is exactly what I was wondering about, thank you Conjure-Lady!
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Re: road opener advice
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Are there any correspondences like date or time that ought to be followed?
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Re: road opener advice
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7

If work needs to be done, do it. No need to wait for a specific day.
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Re: road opener advice
Post # 8
This should help ~

~ Never Lost
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Re: road opener advice
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 9
They way I do mine is dressing a 7 day candle with abre camino oil. I make a petition paper with my need and prayer to the spirits and my matron and place the paper(s) under the candle and light it.
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