Two women on my job are very wicked and have come against me without reason. Everytime I walk in for a shift it is filled with taunt and harassment. They are always allowed to treat everyone like trash, especially me. There is also one other woman on my job who is being allowed to do the same.
I am so TIRED!! of people getting away with hurting me and I need to do something to fix them.
In the past I've tried spells for good things (white magic) and got nowhere so I'm not sure spells are for me. I may need to do something physical like a ritual.
What are some spells that have helped you with something like this?
Re: How Do I Do This Correct? By: insertjoke / Beginner
Post # 4 Dec 25, 2014
i find that the bast way to deal with this type of people is to just say something wicket creepy and just a little bit disturbing to them they are likely to just walk around you if they fear you good and nice works only so far, but if your willing to actually do something bad to them just cast a revenge spell on them that gets stronger every time they are mean their luck gets worse, or maybe just a spell to get them fired
Magic wouldn't be the most viable solution for this issue. Talking to your boss or even finding a new job would possibly be the best solution. If they continue on with harassing you then you should call the police.
Re: How Do I Do This Correct? By: Nekoshema / Novice
Post # 7 Dec 26, 2014
document these incidence, if there's witnesses, or you record it somehow, then take it to your boss. look into the worker laws in your area, the law is probably on your side. if you don't want to go that far, be sure you have some evidence in your corner, tell them what they are doing is illegal and if they don't stop you will take it to a higher authority. if they don't, go straight to your boss. if he/she does nothing, go to the cops.
magickally, a protection, and/or a 'stop gossip' spell.
You must always consider the threefold law, what you do will come back to you with three times the force. Some don't believe in it but I have first hand witnessed it. I do not belie that magick should be used for this. This should be dealt with by simply telling them to back off and leave you alone, one day they will realize how wrong they have been and be sorry.
Yes, they do teach this threefold law, but it is not correct. You will receive your lesson from what you did wrong, but it does not need to be threefold. You will receive it until you have learnt it. It could be in this life, or in another, but you will receive. It can be once, it can be ten or a hundred times.
Yes, if you receive the bad, then you invoked it. My own life is very much messed up because I have done bad things in previous lives, but this life is also my chance to show I have learnt, if I fail to do so I will have to redo this lesson. And this is something I surely don't want. And yes, with this life, it is probably more than three times that I received from where I started, but I could have avoided it by learning my lesson in the first place.
This time I have the best conditions, as cruel as it sounds to myself.
So to get back to the topic: Do not use magick for the bad. Ever. Your price to pay is not worth whatever you want to do.
You can not live with the current situation? Do magick to gain new opportunities in your life, to get possibilities to relocate or at least work somewhere different. Of course you will also need to apply to different jobs, but you will most likely succeed.
It would be the same with love. Yes, you can bind someone to yourself, but you should not. You can make yourself more attractive with a ritual, and you will more likely be noticed by someone who is compatible with you. Do good to yourself, not bad to others.