Hello all, apologies if i put this in the wrong thread.
I have in my studies, read and heard of swords being used in rituals. however this does raise the question, what is the purpose of a sword in magick? if there is one. Another question to mind is, if their is a purpose or use for them, is it a ritual-only tool, or is it used for things such as spells or other practices.
In my tradition. The sword is a martial weapon and related to the sephirah of Geburah on the tree of life (the sphere of Mars). It is primarily used in rituals for banishing or setting up a protective space.
The dagger in my tradition is assigned to the sephirah Tiphareth and air. Now some people who are unorthodox, like me, combine the two, others are Golden Dawn purists.
I am sure there are also other countless traditions out there. My recommendation for my own is Book 4 part 2 by Crowley, which can be found online, and simply look at his chapter on the sword.
In British Traditional Wiccan covens the sword is the tool of the coven as the athame is the tool of the individual. Both the sword and the athame are linked to the Element of Air and are used to channel and direct energy during ritual work.
I believe they are connected to air because both the sword/athame are masculine, and air is as well.
Also, swords can also be used as a similar fuction as an athame, only more powerful and formal.
In my tradition, the dagger represents air because it is the weapon associated with Tiphareth on the Tree of life, and Tiphareth represents the seat of the Ruach and intelect, to which the element of air is assigned.
It is just the way the Golden Dawn assigned their magical weapons, they work along the lines of the formula of the god name Tetragrammaton- YHVH. The dagger is the vau, again associated with Tiphareth, the son, and air.
The disk is the final heh- earth, wand is yod- fire, and cup is firt heh-water.
In British Traditional Wicca as well as many other forms of Wicca, the sword and the athame are associated with Air because they are the tools of the intellect. They "cut" through the fogs of confusion and bring mental clarity. Thus they are making things "as clear as Air".
I know other Traditions that link the sword and athame with Fire as they are both forged in the fire. That can work if that is how one sees the association, but that is not classical association in the Western Mystery Traditions.
If you think of the Tarot, the suit of Swords has to do with knowledge, etc and it is also associated with Air.