
Forums ► General Info ► pyrokenisis
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Post # 1
Hey dudes and dudettes this is my first post can anyone give me a spell for beginners in pyrokenisis I have already fused my ki with fire successfully and I can make a fire ball anyone who can give me a spell please tell me

Re: pyrokenisis
Post # 2
Well I can make a simple fire ball

Re: pyrokenisis
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Pyrokinesis does not exist so there is no spell that will let you be able to use it. The idea of kinesis is drawn from fantasy novels and Hollywood films. It has no place in real magic.

Furthermore, if you mean that you can create a fire ball such as one sees wizards do in Harry Potter or the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons then you are not being truthful as such spells also do not exist.

Perhaps, before you make more claims that begin to look like role-playing (which is a violation of the rules of this site) you might want to consider doing a bit of reading and study about what real magic is all about. An excellent book to start with is "Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig. You can find it on-line as a pdf at modern _ magick . pdf

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