Greetings! My name is Emily, and I have been studying Tarot for a while now, however, there is still much I need to learn before attempting more.
I have done four readings, all done with the intention of merely practicing. However, three of which I did for friends, and they were shocked by the accuracy of the readings.
I was looking for some advice. I'm having trouble in particular connecting to my deck, so I was wondering if anyone has any advice to help me get on a better basis with my deck.
I was also wondering if you personally believe that Tarot readers must be born with the gift of divination.
Finally, if you had any advice that you think a beginner would benefit from, if you'd like to share, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Blessed Be!
Hello! I do not know much about Tarot, but I do know much about crystals. I do know that Calcite can help with understanding and analyzing what the cards do want to know, it can help you mentally accept messages that are unpleasant. Calcite helps clear and amplify and neutralize energy, hopefully this can help you understand your deck better. Also Clear Quartz can help you rid out all the old energy by placing a clear quartz crystal on top of your deck. Good luck and message me if you want to know more about crystals that can help with Tarot Reading!
I forgot to mention, Sodalite can also help with Tarot! Sodalite helps with seeing patterns and the details to determine the message the card has for you.
Re: Advice for a First-Timer By: Mz.Kalamity / Novice
Post # 5 Nov 29, 2015
Tarot readers learn to read. They are not necessarily born. While some may have more of a talent for it it is not necessary.
One thing you can do is keep your deck on your person to bond your energies to it. Another is that you spend some time with one card every day. Memorizing its meaning, both traditional and personal and also getting to know that card. It's colors, its art, its feel
Re: Advice for a First-Timer By: Winchester1 / Novice
Post # 7 Nov 30, 2015
Check my History and read the recent post I made about creating your own book on Tarot so your info Is not all over the place
If you are having trouble connecting with your deck get Another deck also as you grow more confident and comfy you may like it better,You do not need to be born with a gift to become great at tarot,it's a lot of study and also you have to learn to connect and believe in your own instincts