CovenNatural Magick ► PCP
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Post # 1

No, not the drug! PCP in this instance stands for Pop Culture Paganism. It's a practice where you incorperate Pop Culture refrences or characters into your practice. Many practitioners who partake in this do it to different degrees. For example, some may have a direwolf from HBO's Game of Thrones on their altar to represent their spirit animal or maybe Fenrir. Another example is that one would actually work with a character as if they were an entity. I have done this before, so allow me to explain myself!

As with all entites, spirits, deities, ect., we devote our time, energy and resources to honor them, work with them and such. We give them offerings, we write about them, draw them, pray to them. That energy we spend goes to them.

Now, apply that to a fictional character. People devote their time to write about them, draw fanart, make little trinkets to represent them. Where is that energy supposed to go? My belief is that it creates the entity. Now, I'm not calling this fictional character a god or a diety. Just an entity created by the energy that's devoted to them!

What are your thoughts on this practice?

Have you ever done it?

If so, would you be willing to share your experiences in this thread? (You are not required to share. To each their own.)

And please, no arguments are to escalate within this thread or I will delete it.

Post # 2
This idea sounds like the Tibetan monks tulpa. A tulpa is a thought form that the monks put a lot of focus and energy into. From what I've read these tulpas can manifest themselves. Hope this helped

Post # 3


What are your thoughts on this practice?

I feel that this is a good way to expand your boundries and your comfort zone! It feels like opening new doors to your creativity, imagination and expanding your path.

Have you ever done it? Yes, I've created spells based on HBO's Game of Thrones.

If so, would you be willing to share your experiences in this thread? (You are not required to share. To each their own.)

I've experienced encounters with an entity I deem to be Tyrion Lannister. He very social and polite, much to his character, as well as the sexual prowl that is seen on the show as well. I've also had run-ins with Cersie and Jamie. To experience this is as if you were experiencing with any other entity (to each their own with UPG and such.) Feeling their energy, visualizing them in your mind, etc, etc.

By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

I personally have never practiced PCP. It's honestly a little difficult for me to wrap my head around, mainly because it's so different from much of what I do and work with. I'm not sure I could even really formulate an opinion on it at this point. I see a lot of negative backlash towards those who practice aspects of PCP, calling it "fake" paganism etc. I tend to view it in the same manner I view a lot of chaos magick. To each their own, you know?

Here were some posts about it I read once that I thought were helpful:

  • http://thepaganstudygrouppage.tumblr.com/post/75580019817/pop-culture-paganism-an-introduction
  • https://chaoticpaganism.wordpress.com/2013/12/25/why-pop-culture-paganism/

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