Genaral about elements

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Genaral about elements
Post # 1
This is for all people that doest kmow their element!!!
By ZODIAC signs:
...Air...-Gemini-Libra-Aquarius - light,hot,wet

Element rulers"
..Day Ruler.. ..Night Ruler.. ..Participating Ruler..
Fire Sun Jupiter Saturn
Earth Venus Moon Mars
Air Saturn Mercury Jupiter
Water Venus Mars Moon

In ancient astrology, triplicities were more of a seasonal nature, so a season was given the qualities of an element, which means the signs associated with that season would be allocated to that element. The seasonal elements of ancient astrology are as follows:

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Re: Genaral about elements
By: / Novice
Post # 2
It's weird because I'm right on the Gemini-Cancer cusp. I'm trying to find my birth certificate so I'll know, exactly, at what time I was born. Then I will finally know which horroscope to read. :-P. And I'll know which element I am also. Air or water.
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Re: Genaral about elements
Post # 3
A person can also be of an universal element, but this is more rare, meditate to find the truth, birth dates only place a small role.
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