Ok so I keep having dreams of my former college best friend that I cut out of
my life months ago. She keeps showing up in lucid dreams. How do I make them stop? Since Im an empath I can still feel her energy at times since I still have some connection to her. People on here have suggested spellcasters but I dont trust online transactions with strangers and its not in my budget for a $60-$100 spell that pays for supplies.
I have no experience with spells and I dont want it to backfire. I just want to get rid of these dreams that have been haunting me on and off for months now.
Some thing to consider about dreams is that they are created by, or at least filtered through (if you believe it is something from outside yourself) your subconscious.
It could simply be that you are concerned about her. Once you have a strong relationship with someone, you never truly stop caring, even when things go badly. It could simply be that you are wondering, subconsciously, how she is. Or perhaps your mind recalled some memory of her, whether specific or as a trope, and your brain reacted by initiating a lucid dream state.
If you believe there is more to the dream, and you want to sever the tie, there is a very simple spell which I have read about: A cord cutting.
The basics are this:
You will first need two objects to represent both of you. Some people will use photos or even just names written on paper. If the objects are paper-based, I would recommend rolling them so they can be tied.
Tie the objects separately with one piece of whatever color you believe appropriate, if any (for example, a jilted lover may use red to represent the love still connecting them). By together, I mean at two ends of the cord. Leave a bit of space between the two -- enough to do the next part.
The last bit is to focus all of your intent on the two of you, and sever the cord. Believe that it is breaking whatever binds you. Some may use scissors, or a knife, or the flame of a candle.
Discard the pieces differently, keeping them symbolically different:
Yours, treat with respect. Some will bury their representation, as putting to rest that aspect of themselves. Some may burn it to terminate those aspects which may have residual affects from that person. Whatever works for you, works.
Theirs, treat with contempt. Not that you necessarily hate them, but this is banishing the residual aspects from your life. Utterly destroy it. Cut it into pieces, throw it away, dissolve it in water or let it wash away in a stream or river to be carried far, far away. Burn it to ash in a heap of rubbish, and let it degrade into dust. Crush it under your feet, grind it into the dirt. You are done with them.
A meditation that helps me is one that has me symbolically fling the person into the ocean or the sun, or whatever works depending on my mood. Every time they appear in my thoughts, I fling 'em and fling 'em far.
Once they are out of your thoughts, try to ignore them. If they persist, Fling 'em. It can be a bit testy doing this at first, as it may appear they appear more often than they should, but after some practice it should work like a breeze.