Clairempathy questions

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Clairempathy questions
Post # 1
So I have discovered that i'm an empath. I know what it is and what it pertains but there is not a lot of information regarding specifics, ergo i have questions (oh so many questions...)
Here are a few...

1.) is it normal to "catch a high/drunk"? even when i'm completely sober if someone else is 'up' there' then I will be too.

2.)I write fiction stories and of course my characters have emotions. Is it odd to experience there emotions fully while writing?

3) Every single time I listen to even slightly sad music i want to cry. Am I experiencing the writer's emotions, the songs feeling, or the emotion of the people listening to the song?

4)can emotions pile up? like in my 3rd question. Can the emotional representation of multiple people all cram together in one mess of feelings?

Thank you and blessed be.
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Re: Clairempathy questions
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
1) I am not an empath but with their emotional state impaired you are likely to feel an echo of what they are feeling. I am not sure if you would actually feel drunk but you should feel the resulting emotions.

2 & 3) You do not need to be an empath to become emotionally invested in not only people but characters. I am sure many authors have felt strongly for their characters as they are their creations. You are in a way pouring your heart into your writing so it makes sense you could empathize with these characters. The same goes for music. I am not very emotional but I've always felt my emotions were sometimes easily influenced by music. An example is if a sad song or even an instrumental piece that sounds sad randomly comes on the radio I can feel emotional. I also always used upbeat music to put myself in a good mood. In the end I think this is something many people can relate to regardless of empathic ability.

4) Not being an empath I cannot truly give any advice on this. I've mainly heard of empaths feeling the emotions of those around them and do not know how long these emotions linger in order for them to potentially pile up. I have heard an empath can be overwhelmed by feeling the emotions of multiple people simultaneously which would be essentially the same as what you are asking yet I do not know if emotions can pile up over time.
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Re: Clairempathy questions
Post # 3
Thank you. that was very helpful.
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Re: Clairempathy questions
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
we can take on certain issues of others such as i can go to work feeling happy then for some unknown reason i feel sad or if am close to someone who is suffering i feel their emotions or their pain if your feeling like you want to cry for no reason ask yourself who you have been around and could you have picked up on their emotions
its going back to basics, cleanse ground and centre yourself then place yourself in a bubble of protection
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