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No Subject

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Post # 1
There is just one doubt in my mind which if gets cleared may really fulfill the purpose of my life
Who or what is God.
Different cultures have different opinions of the god.
How can different people have different dieties?

And though I follow my own culture and beliefs I dont hesitate learning about others.And doing so only increases my dilemma about god.And thus when I pray to a deity I feel is this correct or should I pray to another diety and so on.

What religious beliefs do you think are most foolproof.

As of what I have seen and experienced I really think that The Greek Mythology,Hindu mythology is considered most foolproof by may.This is what my friends say.
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Re: No Subject
By: / Novice

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Post # 2
There's a great series from Crash Course [on YouTube] about world mythology you might wish to watch.

As for different cultures and different deities there's the atheistic answer of they were created to explain nature occurrences and answer the question we all ask 'where did we come from' and since most humans came from the same area millions of years ago and then migrated that's probably why so many religions share similar themes [from nothing came a being who created everything and then deities for life and death were formed and then went on adventures which serve as morals to explain how we should live our lives]

Personally I feel any religion is fine if it speaks of love and peace and brings a person a sense of wholeness. As for my own path I don't really have a specific title, I lean more to seax, but if I'm being honest it's eclectic but I don't like the term so I just go with Pagan or Witch. As for which path is the most foolproof, I think like most people I would say my own because personally it speaks to and completes me so I believe it to be the most accurate. But, again, that's my view and I think everyone is able to believe whatever as long as they aren't harming others.
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