Honey Jar

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Honey Jar
Post # 1
Hello i'm new to this I tried to make a sweetening jar with just water , sugar and cinnamon and my petition but I felt like it wasn't working so I emptied it out and re attempted just for the jar to leak when I shook it. So my 3rd attempt I decided to start with a new jar and different stuff. I used a baby food jar , raw organic honey, a small piece of a cinnamon stick, rosemary , a picture of both of us folded towards me (separate) and my petition. I was shaking my jar laying down and fell asleep just a tiny bit of the honey leaked out and my lid was a little lose when I woke up. I opened it to tighten it and clean it ... I need some advice
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Re: Honey Jar
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

What in particular do you need help with in regards to the jar working?

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Re: Honey Jar
By: / Novice
Post # 3

Honey Jar's can take months to work, they are a slow progression so you wouldn't see results instantly. You didn't mention how long you waited before attempting the spell again. I have done several, one took almost two years to mend that relationship but it did work. Other times it has only take a month or so before I see any change. This wouldn't be a love spell or creating romance, this is specifically an attitude or feeling towards you. If there was aggression or disruption in a relationship (it can be a friend, relative etc, I used it on my ex husband to create a better co-parenting relationship for the sake of my son, I want nothing to do with him but need to have a pleasant relationship for that purpose) the jar would help make your interactions with that person more plesant.

We would need a little bit more information on what it is you are looking to accomplish with this jar and how long you gave it the first few times. Unfortunately, this spell is long but when done right and allowed to come to fruition, it can be very powerful.

Hope this helps


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