Hello all, I just want to know your conception of time, I don't mean in one's life but in general. Are we endless? Is there any cycle that begins over and over again? Like if everything repeats for ever over and over again... like we have lived this life many times. I just woke up with that feeling...
When you think about it, everything we do lasts infinitely. EverY word we say and every action we make is a way to expel energy. Physics of course teaches us that energy doesn't dissipate, it changes forms. So everything in the world is a neverending cycle. Think butterfly effect, and I don't mean the movie. If you don't know what I mean, look it up, it's worth a read.
It hasn't been since the beginning of time, because all time is deleted from the past which is why going to the past is impossible. We can't go into the future, but we can see our future because our souls have 1 ending in life and it's sealed forever. The Fates make it so.
So every 0.000000000000000000... (goes on forever)... 0001 is the only point in time that is actual time. Time is deleted from the past, and it is upcoming in the future. Pausing time isn't possible, but it's possible to slow it down to 0.000000000000000000... (still going on...)... 00001, an extra 0, which slows it down and a 0 is added each time. To fast forward, we go onto 0.00000000000000000000... (hate this don't ya?)... 0002 or higher. Slowing time = possible, fast forwarding time = possible, pausing time = impossible, rewinding time = impossible.
the time of this world as we know it was created during the creation of the world when the huge amount of energy was released into the outer cosmos (what scientists call the big boom) i believe there was times before the creation of THIS world in other worlds but it was just different
most occult studiers confirm that history didn't start only when this world was created and there was other things before that
i believe that this time was 1/22 of the time which will exist in this world
time is not endless and will end at some point unlikely the divine elokim which created it
the kabbalah shows that there is three definitions of time
unfortunately i forgot the third one so sorry for the disappointment
1.the one which does not repeat
referring to time as it is from the beginning of the creation until the end of time
2.the one which is repeating
the day which repeats itself;the year which repeats itself;the lunar phases which repeat them self;etc. and so on
I agree with Perdu, time is eternal and infinite, also, every moment, thought, action, possibility of what could have, could not have happened is all stored in the universal conciousness of our universe, the feeling you get as if you have had this moment again and again, possibly you have, we sometimes get the same moment in different lives to try and see if we are gonna make a different choice this time, it's the universes way of communicating directly with us and is called synchronicity. Living in the eternal moment, welcome to my world ;)Working with moments is also key to Chronokinesis, you either reduce or increase the moment with mental tension till time breaks away in your designated area, just remember, time gained on one moment is time lost on another.
I personally see it as an almighty force, beyond human comprehension and normal physics. The basic building block of existence, that which all creation sprang. The balance, the glue of existence. I'm just rambling thought;) Just my personal opinnion.
I just woke up with the idea .... that I have to live some kind of traces or clues so as not to make the same mistakes. Just a thought.So I guess I have to make different choices this time.
Thanks all of you!You were really helpfull :)