spells for children

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spells for children
Post # 1
i have a 10 year old daughter that has telepathic powers. i recently told her that magick is real and she is interested in it. does anyone know of a simple spell for her to start out with? thx. blessed be.
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Re: spells for children
Post # 2
Psi balls!
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Re: spells for children
Post # 3
Psi isn't really magick, it's the power of the humn mind (just like telekinesis, but if she's gifted with it I guess it would be easy) try weather and protection spells, they're quite easy.
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Re: spells for children
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Candle magic is one of the easiest forms of spell work to start with. I also have my eight year old make scapes, these are things you want rid of in your life that you write on a piece of paper and cast into a fire.
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Re: spells for children
Post # 5
I dont think fire is something which a ten year old should play yet :O I think healing would be a good choice - healing plants for example, because they are easy. When I was little me and my friend preactised on healing plants and bugs(butterflies and other bugs) its fun and actually very easy to learn if the child hase some spiritual skills.

and the healing should be done like this:
visulise life energy(green) from the earth and gather them to the thing which should be healed. this is the most simple way of healing. the child can also make a chant for it, it will help to center the thoughs. :)
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Re: spells for children
Post # 6
try this put your hands out and say

what evil comes to me know hear I cast you back with no harm
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Re: spells for children
Post # 7
children are sponges-eager to soak up knowledge-and learn. Often just listening and observing them, WE as adults can learn from them..my daughter is 3 and already knows she has magik..We practice healing of family members and on plants. Always encourage them, never scold them. Children are a great source of energy(untainted) Try some spells with self coinfidence, for test taking, or ones that pertain to friends....Im happpy for you and your child-this will be an exciting journey for both of you to explore!!!
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Re: spells for children
Post # 8
thx for all the advise. im hoping to teach her alot and she can then help me teach her 3 yr old sister-who also shows signs of telepathy. got a feeling this is going to be a wild and exciting time for all of us!!
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Re: spells for children
Post # 9
it will
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Re: spells for children
Post # 10
isay protect healing and teach her to control engery you so teach her some fun spells so she will not get bored
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