Weird Entity

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Weird Entity
Post # 1
OK, so I've been trying to deal with this thing for a while but I've decided to just ask for some guidance. So I've been having this weird entity pop up once in a while at night outside of my house and I have no clue what it is or wants. It never comes inside of the house and only seems to interact if it's dark out or the moon's not particularly bright.

I haven't seen anything at all but just a really strong feeling of being watched. It doesn't seem malicious in any way, it just seems like it's observing. I do live right behind a graveyard and an old school house that's been locked up for over 4+ years now but I don't know if either of those places could be the culprit. I have a good relationship with the graveyard and haven't done any spells or anything over there so I don't think I could have let anything in that way. The school house does give me some creep vibes but I'm not sure if it's actually the case, especially because the entity itself has only popped up in the past ~2 years.

I have gotten the suggestion from someone else that it could be a Shadow Spirit but it honestly just doesn't fit the memo. I have never seen anything just felt its presence.

Any help would be greatly appreciated because I honestly have no clue how to deal with this thing.
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Re: Weird Entity
Post # 2
Hi, I don't know how to help with this, but, do you live alone or are there other people? Do you have a way of checking if somebody else feels observed the same way? Have you ever felt this presence in the daylight and with other people? Sorry I sound like a cop!
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Re: Weird Entity
Post # 3
It's no problem! I do live with my parents but they haven't felt anything. It only comes out at nights and only when the moons dim. I mostly started noticing it when I went to close up my chickens at night I felt something watching me. It doesn't seem malicious but I just don't know.
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