Legal help asap plz

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Legal help asap plz
Post # 1
Hello everyone. Im fairly new to the world of Magick but have had been interested since I was very young as I have my own ‘gifts’ and never really knew what they were or what to do with them. My searching brought me here. I’ve tried a few simple spells for some basic luck that I found on this amazing website and so far so good. But now I need some serious legal help and possibly someone willing to be a mentor for lack of a better word. I don’t just want someone to tell me what to do but I would like to learn.
I need a spell for a legal case. I’ve been with my partner for 5 years and we’ve only been married a few month. It’s been a very tumultuous relationship and extremely abusive. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I am filing a VAWA application (violence against women act). I have some evidence of the abuse over the years but maybe or maybe not enough to win the case, due the fact that I was and am still very much in love with my husband and I hoped one day he would get better but it never happened. So I didn’t start collecting evidence until recently. We have 2 incredible, blessed children who are my only reason for living at this point. I am submitting my application to the US government next week and need a spell to make sure i win. The alternative doesn’t end well for anyone…. Please if someone could help me I’d be forever grateful.

Blessed be
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