Soul mate dreaming

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Soul mate dreaming
Post # 1
I have a question about a soulmate dreaming spell. This is the Spell

Items needed
A Piece of pink paper
Cinnamon oil
Lemon juice
Patchouli oil

Casting instructions:
Write you name on a piece of pink paper. Add a drop of each oil and lemon juice on the paper and let it sit and dry. Fold the paper in half four times. Tuck the folded paper under your pillow. In four nights you should have a dream that points the way to your soulmate. This spell may not identify him or her, but may give you an indication of what circumstances leads you to meeting them. Has anybody cast a spell like this and had success? If I want to dream about my soulmate some more do I leave the paper under my pillow, or repeat the spell?
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