Love spell backfired?

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Love spell backfired?
Post # 1
Hey guys so I recently did a love spell on my crush and the next day we are no longer besties on Snapchat (we talked everyday) and now he hasn’t texted me in 6 days. Did I do something wrong or is the universe simply not letting this person be in my life (I’ve done other love spells on him where they worked but eventually wore off). Thank you for your input !
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Re: Love spell backfired?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I'm sorry to hear this happened to you [also, sorry nobody answered, I just saw this myself because I had time to pop into the site after a month] unfortunately, your post is too vague to give a specific yes or no answer, but I'll try to help.

Firstly, the spell. What was the spell? It might be a working spell, or a broken spell [not "fake" per say, but say it called for belladonna which has no love energy associated with it. That could affect how the spell manifests] Depending on the spell, how you cast, the amount of energy you used, and timing [while not everyone follows astrological charts, it's believed the flow of energy can vary depending on the moon/planets] this could also affect the spell.

Secondly, the person you cast on could be divinely protected. This doesn't mean they're a witch or a witch is casting on them [which, technically, you are, so a witch is casting on them] but it could mean their spiritual team is watching them. They might be devout in their own spiritual path or live in a household that is. We also have ancestors, guides, and other spiritual beings watching over us, even if we don't know them. Some will protect a person against anything [even healing energy and blessings] so, be aware of that.

An example I have [which I'm not proud of, but it's an example] a relative has asked me to cast spells on her husband. He's devoutly Christian and wants nothing to do with witchcraft. I've explained this to her, but she insists because they're to help him [protections, healings, good luck, stuff like that] and when I tell you it is a spiritual battle to send this man a healing spell because his spiritual team is flat out "No magick" it's exhausting. I've set a firm boundary and told my relative I'm never doing it again, but when I tell you a person doesn't have to believe in magick or be aware how many spirits guard them to be divinely protected. It's real and can take a lot of determination on the witches' part to cast. [this is also why those who curse/bind government officials can't simply remove them from power. You might dislike them because their actions are negatively impacting you or your loved ones, but those who benefit from their actions ask their spiritual team to protect them]

This could also be a growth moment. Perhaps this person isn't right for you at this moment. Perhaps one of you needs to grow. Let's say you want to be in a relationship, but you have an anxious attachment style. Your crush pulling away could be the spell testing/teaching you to be comfortable with distance. This could be a sign for you to reflect on patterns you repeat when in a relationship or have a crush on someone. Your crush might like you, but isn't a faithful person and the spell is causing them nightmares and they need to reflect and heal that part of themselves. As a result, they chose to pull away. You could also interpret it as one of you is wrong for the other and the spell stopped it [not as likely, but still possible. If you asked for the one you "truly love" and it's not this person, you might be given opportunities to become the version that is ready for your "true love"] this person might not like you, which means the spell has nothing to work with and would fizzle out [also, not very likely since you were close before the spell]

Lastly, it's said if someone discovers you cast a love spell on them, it instantly backfires and they hate you. I haven't cast many "make this person love me" love spells [I might have cast 1 in my teens, but they've never been morally okay in my book, so I don't remember casting any, but I do have a lot because I collect spells] I've heard various opinions on this, but not definitive facts, so it's more something to consider than absolute. You can cast love spells that aren't manipulative [self-love or "attract someone into my life but not a specific person" though even that is debated] and it's encouraged to do love spells with your partner to strengthen your romantic bond [since the person is involved, the spell doesn't backfire. They're adding their own energy to it, while "Make my crush like me" is forcing them without their consent and if they discover it, the spell backfires because you deceived them]

Personally, I'd be observant and reflect to get to the root of the problem. Your Book of Shadows [Grimoire, Book of Mirrors, whatever you call your magickal journal] is less a pretty spellbook [it can be] and more a cookbook filled with recipes and notes on how you got things to turn out just right. There are various forms of magick [high and low magick typically refers to ritualized or mundane. Some spells require an entire day of preparation, while others are just "I'm drinking mint tea and thinking about growing my savings." Both are working spells] You should write before, during and after so you can reflect on how things went. How did you feel before the spell? Did you cleanse or cast a circle before the spell? How did you feel while casting? Were you nervous, excited, happy, or sad? How did you feel immediately after? Relieved? Overjoyed? Scared? Keep your BoS with you and record anything that feels noteworthy [your crush not talking to you, big sign] after a month, read over everything and write a conclusion [this is what I did, these were the results, this is what I learned, this is how I would improve it] Not only will this help you pinpoint the issue, it will give you knowledge for your next casting.

One last thing, your BoS doesn't need to be a physical book, bound in leather, with handmade pages [it's very pretty, I have one, but it's unnecessary. Personally, I'm so nervous about messing up my pretty Books of Shadows, I've barely used them] An old notebook can be your BoS, a 3-ring binder works wonderfully, an app on your phone, a Word doc, heck, I've seen some amazing ones for sale [I own Arin Murphy Hiscock's Grimoire and it's awesome. There's a person I watch on TikTok who sells gorgeous sticker packs. I'll link her downloadable option below but there are shipment options] The point is, you need somewhere to record and reflect on your craft. You're the only person who's going to see it. Make it work for you and worry about a pretty version later. [once you have enough knowledge and desire for a pretty version you could pass down, transfer the important stuff from the other books]
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