Youtube and haters

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Youtube and haters
Post # 1
There are several people on youtube, one in particular I just watched. You may have seen him before. He made me very angry. It was one of the most upsetting things i'v ever seen. I'm sorry, I just needed a place to vent my feelings. He has a video called 100% of wiccans are fat,ugly and fake bisexual. He actually believes too! He says we are a sterotypical people and its ironic hes being stereotypical and also hes atheist. Im shaking right now im so angry...
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 2
he won't live long probably

99.9% of the wiccans would proably set a curse on him

haha !
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 3
Exactly what I was thinking.
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Re: Youtube and haters
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
What about their harm none rule. If they did then they would be a bunch of hypocrites. Karma will bite this one in the butt, like he will come back as a fat, ugly, fake, bisexual, wiccan. LOL
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 5
LOL Yes I agree with kt.Harme none is the rule.Someone like that u can only feel sorry for.
my favorite you tube poster is Tip Toe chick.She is pagan and always posts about the craft. So Does Blue fire witch.
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 6
i've seen that youtube thing, and it doesn't matter, he's retarded or something, but don't let it bother ya, it's like the website i found that seemed real but was comepletly fake. Ya can't let lies become the truth.
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 7
i've seen that, i just had to laugh at it, he does that to every religion, dont get your panties in a twist
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 8
I am so f***ing mad at him He is so mean but I am not wiccin so why do I care oh ya the 7th connmandment you shall not give fales testamony agenst your nabber (SP?) so he is so mean I feel like cursing him gerrrrrr
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 9
once again, he makes fun of EVERY religion, even christian, muslim, EVERYONE, so dont get your undies in a twist
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 10
who is he???? Send me a link
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