Mimosa flowers

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Re: Mimosa flowers
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Some would say you should only use the fallen flowers and not to pick them from the tree at all. Similar to using only downed wood for a wand, using the downed blossoms causes no harm to the tree. Though I personally think either ways is fine, so long as the tree survives, it really isa personal choice as to the details of how one gathers their magical supplies from living plants.

Mimosas are used for healing, particularly the brain as it helps to relieve anxiety, depression, and reduces stress. It will also aid prophetic dreams and the development of the third eye. Anoint the forehead prior to sleep.

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Re: Mimosa flowers
Post # 3
Thanks for the info. My trees are really tall and loaded with blooms. When they start falling, my yard will be pink! Those thing spread like crazy. I've got mimosa trees in all sizes from itty bitty trees to huge ones and all sizes in between. We've got to clear some of them out from around our house. Can the bark and leaves be used from the really young ones? Maybe 2-5 feet tall?
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Re: Mimosa flowers
Post # 4

Mimosas are incredibly invasive. Sounds like you might need to cull them a bit.

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Re: Mimosa flowers
Post # 5
I know. There's about 25 little ones all over my back yard. I don't want to waste anything. Can I use the bark and leaves? Some already have the hard outter bark and some still have the soft dark green stems. And can I do the roots the same as a bigger more established tree? Thanks! God bless
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Re: Mimosa flowers
Post # 6

Honestly not sure if you can use the bark and leaves. I personally have only used them in apiary, since they grow in such abundance they're easy to take advantage of. It yields a semi dry, and somewhat nutty honey, if you're wondering. Hopefully someone knows better than I regarding the other plant parts.

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Re: Mimosa flowers
Post # 7

Looked it up for you, apparently the leaves are safe to dry and use as tea. The bark seems to be largely used medicinally. The bark is allegedly mood enhancing, cleanses energetic pathways, and used as a common remedy for generalized muscular discomfort and swelling.

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Re: Mimosa flowers
Post # 8
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Re: Mimosa flowers
Post # 9
Every part of the tree you can use the leafs you can dry them and make tea make the tea until its a golden color not to much suger you can also make tea from the bark .the powers it the root its very hard to ding it up you can smoke for anxiety or the yea helps all organs muscle relaxation and good for high blood pressure .dandilion root is good for detox .Im A HEDGE WITCH AND ELEMENTAL HOPE THIS HELPS
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Re: Mimosa flowers
Post # 10
THE FLOWERS ARE hullocinogens if dhydrated its like coke type high mixed with acid trip symtomz
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Re: Mimosa flowers
Post # 11
There are many different types of mimosa trees. The type where I'm is Albizia julibrissin. Using the bark,flowers,and roots you can make tinctures and such. It's a mile pain reliever and you can use it to help relax and elevate your moods as well as other health benefits.This isn't the one that contains substances similar to heroin(DMT) and that's a hallucinogenic. DNT is gotten from the root bark of certain Mimosa trees: Mimosa ophthalmocentra, scabrella,somnians,tenuiflora(hostilis),certified and others. These trees, their bark and seeds are illegal to buy in the US and you cannot order them from overseas. There are so many types and uses for Mimosa. I make a tincture with the flowers from my trees. I avoid the other types. Thank you for the information. You can never learn too much
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